
La importancia de unos sistemas de alimentación y control fiables en el alumbrado de aeropuertos

Los gestores de instalaciones aeroportuarias son conscientes del papel fundamental que desempeñan unos sistemas de alimentación y control fiables para garantizar la seguridad y la eficacia de las operaciones de las aeronaves y las pistas. Problemas como las subidas de tensión y las fluctuaciones de voltaje pueden suponer graves riesgos para la seguridad si no se dispone de los sistemas de alimentación y control adecuados para proporcionar un suministro continuo de energía.

Power disruptions tend to happen unexpectedly, potentially leading to inadequate runway lighting or the failure of critical navigation aids. These unwanted situations can compromise pilot visibility during takeoff, landing, and taxiing, dramatically increasing the risk of dangerous accidents and serious incidents. 

Additionally, airports that install inadequate power and control systems risk compliance issues with regulatory authorities. These bodies prioritize safety and put strict standards in place for ongoing airfield lighting reliability and performance. Airports that are not compliant with these standards can be subject to penalties and also risk damage to their reputation. 

Fortunately, modern technology is available to ensure regulatory compliance and a reliable power supply that keeps airport lighting and navigational aids functional at all times.

Más información: El papel fundamental de la iluminación aeroportuaria en la seguridad aérea

Using A Ferroresonant Power Supply For Continuous Power

Ferroresonant power supplies are designed to provide reliable power regulation for critical applications under extreme operating conditions without being affected by surrounding electrical systems. That’s why these systems are widely used in modern airports, as they provide a stable output voltage over a wide range of input voltage. 

This transformer-based power supply uses nonlinear magnetic properties and a resonant circuit, ensuring constant and reliable output voltages even if the input voltage varies due to power instability or other energy disturbances. 

What separates the ferroresonant power supply from unregulated power supplies is the inclusion of the ferroresonant transformer. This self-regulating and self-current-limiting device is designed to provide a constant voltage over various load currents and a broad input voltage range. The regulated output voltage remains constant, even at ±40% input voltage.

Ferroresonant power supplies also provide isolation and protection from voltage spikes, surges and noise, thanks to the steel core that physically isolates the transformer’s primary and secondary wirings. 

Power Airport Safety With The L-828/L-829 Ferroresonant Constant Current Regulator

The fully stackable L-828/L-829 Ferroresonant Constant Current Regulator (CCR) is the power supply unit of choice for many major and smaller airports. It allows for high-efficiency, high-power factor sinusoidal constant current output. Its output is not affected by flashing loads from strobes or runway guard lights. The unit is certified to FAA AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition).

Its intuitive, fully digital interface is easy to use and allows fast access to the unit’s powerful software. The CCR can be recalibrated in the field, recall previous settings and calibration, change brightness steps, track warnings and faults, and more. The selectable AC constant current can change the airfield lighting intensity based on weather conditions.

The ferroresonant CCR is our industry’s preferred choice for minimizing the impact of voltage fluctuations and power surges at your airport, helping to ensure the uninterrupted service of your airport lighting infrastructure. 

Optimize Power And Control Systems With The L-890 Airport Lighting Controls And Management System

En L-890 ALCMS provides complete airport lighting system management and control and can be seamlessly integrated with the ferroresonant CCR. It features robust technology and an easy-to-use interface that controls the sequencing and intensity of runway and taxiway lights. The system ensures continuous airport operations through integrated redundancy and backup systems that keep the power flowing under all circumstances, reducing operational downtime and improving efficiency.

This unit’s customized programming features include the activation of specific lighting configurations to guide response vehicles in the event of an emergency. Emergency lighting configurations assist in navigating the airport terrain and reaching critical areas efficiently when response timing is vital. 

Get a customized power and control system solution from Airport Lighting Company

When you need a solution to help optimize your airport power and control systems for maximum efficiency and reliable operation, contact the team at Airport Lighting. Our experts will listen to your requirements and provide thoughtful, experienced recommendations that will fulfill your project’s needs, no matter how large or complex.

From ferroresonant CCRs to ALCMS and high-quality lighting products to navigational aids, Airport Lighting Company is your single source of reliable, durable equipment that will maximize your airport’s safety and efficiency.

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Cómo ayudan los sistemas de iluminación inteligente a optimizar las operaciones aeroportuarias

La tecnología de iluminación aeroportuaria ha avanzado mucho desde que los innovadores de principios del siglo XX colocaron luces incandescentes a lo largo de las pistas para ayudar a guiar a los pilotos durante el despegue y el aterrizaje. Con el auge de la iluminación LED y los sistemas de control integrados, el cielo ha demostrado ser el límite cuando se trata de tecnología que gestiona el tráfico aéreo entrante y saliente. 

Resolución de problemas del decodificador de radio L-854 en los sistemas de control y supervisión del alumbrado de aeropuertos

Muchos sistemas de control y supervisión del alumbrado del aeropuerto (ALCMS) contienen un decodificador de radio L-854 para permitir el control del piloto durante el aterrizaje. Es esencial mantener y solucionar los problemas de este equipo con regularidad para que los pilotos puedan activar el sistema de iluminación del aeródromo a través de su radio aire-tierra. Este mes, hemos pensado en proporcionarle una lista de comprobación de mantenimiento de la unidad L-854 para ayudar a que su ALCMS funcione sin problemas y de forma fiable de forma continuada, garantizando la seguridad y eficacia de las operaciones en aeropuertos y pistas.

Mejorar la seguridad de los aterrizajes con sistemas de iluminación de aproximación de precisión (PALS)

Las modernas infraestructuras de aviación exigen las últimas innovaciones tecnológicas para garantizar la seguridad del despegue, el rodaje y el aterrizaje de las aeronaves, especialmente en condiciones meteorológicas adversas, baja visibilidad y terrenos difíciles. Una de estas herramientas indispensables para la seguridad aeroportuaria son los sistemas de iluminación de aproximación de precisión (PALS).

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