Améliorer le fonctionnement des aéroports grâce à des solutions de surveillance et de contrôle à distance

Dans le passé, les systèmes d'éclairage des aéroports étaient généralement faciles à utiliser. Dans de nombreux cas, il s'agissait d'un petit nombre de contrôleurs aériens qui actionnaient des interrupteurs pour allumer et éteindre des ampoules à incandescence en fonction des besoins. Avec un nombre relativement faible d'avions à réaction utilisant les pistes et les voies de circulation, ce système a fonctionné efficacement pendant des décennies.

However, airport operations have grown more sophisticated since those early days, necessitating the adoption of advanced technology to ensure that lighting systems operate smoothly and ensure safe landing and taxiing of aircraft traffic.

Enter remote monitoring and control systems, which help ensure airport lighting systems run smoothly and reliably, especially at night or during inclement weather and other low-visibility situations.  

What Are Airport Lighting Remote Monitoring And Control Systems?

Managing airport lighting and control systems is a complex and resource-heavy task, requiring manual in-person inspections and checks at regular intervals. However, despite your technical teams’ best efforts, they may not always detect potential problems before they become critical issues that can impact your airport’s safety and efficiency, 

Remote monitoring and control solutions allow airport operations teams to manage their runway lighting systems automatically through real-time monitoring, diagnostics, and automated responsiveness when required under various conditions. Remote solutions ensure consistent safety, efficiency, and reliability while reducing maintenance costs. 

These systems are made up of several key tech-based components, such as:

  1. Advanced sensors that monitor lighting and power system parameters such as light intensity, operational status, and problems such as bulb failures, power fluctuations, and environmental conditions such as weather patterns that can affect lighting performance 
  2. A robust, reliable data communication network to transmit critical data from the lighting systems to a central control center via fiber optic cable or wireless systems, depending on the airport’s infrastructure and what kind of range is required
  3. Automated controllers to make adjustments to lighting settings based on data reported by the sensors, such as dimming, brightening, or switching between lighting modes 
  4. Centralized software that collects and displays real-time data, such as system status, maintenance alerts, and control options, for airport personnel to analyze and make informed decisions upon
  5. Notification systems that automatically send lighting system updates to airport maintenance personnel or control tower operators via SMS, email, or other messaging platforms when an issue is detected, to ensure prompt response
  6. Remote access controls to ensure only authorized personnel can log in, monitor the system, and make lighting adjustments from anywhere, using secure, web-based or app-based platforms 
  7. Cloud-based or physical servers that collect and store data that can easily be retrieved for analyzing trends, identifying recurring issues, and planning maintenance schedules 

Plus d'informations : Integrating Automated Surface Detection Equipment With Your Runway Lighting Systems

Why You Should Consider A Remote Monitoring And Control Solution For Your Runway Lighting Infrastructure

At Airport Lighting Company, we understand that safety, reliability, and efficiency are all top of mind with your leadership team. We also know that finding cost savings wherever possible is critical to your bottom line. 

Remote control and monitoring solutions give you all of the above and more. They help proactively identify and address problems before they become critical issues, giving your maintenance team ample opportunity to solve issues before they can negatively impact your runway and taxiway operations. 

Preventing service disruptions helps you save money on avoidable maintenance. However, remote control and monitoring solutions help optimize your costs in other ways as well. For example, the automated control system can adjust lighting based on weather conditions, increasing intensity in subpar visibility conditions and decreasing it in clear conditions. This functionality helps optimize your energy consumption by increasing intensity only when needed. 

Additionally, many systems feature robust analytics that provide deep insights into such metrics as runway and taxiway usage patterns, energy consumption, and failure trends. This reliable data supports informed decision-making for strategic planning and lighting component upgrades. 

Airport lighting technology is becoming more robust all the time, with another advancement always seemingly just around the corner. When you need trusted advice on new airport lighting technology based on years of experience, s'adresser aux experts de Airport Lighting Company. Our qualified and passionate technicians are always happy to provide practical, cost-effective airport lighting and power equipment solutions that ensure your runway and taxiway lighting operations run smoothly, efficiently, and safely at all times.

Plus d'informations : The Most Impactful Advances In Airport Lighting Technology

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Les avancées technologiques les plus importantes dans le domaine de l'éclairage des aéroports

Lorsque les frères Wright ont réussi à prendre leur envol en 1903, ils se sont uniquement attachés à faire décoller leur "machine volante" et à la maintenir en vol le plus longtemps possible. Ils ne pouvaient pas se rendre compte à l'époque que la révolution technique à laquelle ils venaient de donner naissance ne concernait pas seulement l'aviation elle-même, mais aussi les innovations entourant la sécurité des opérations aéroportuaires, en particulier lors des atterrissages.

Innovations dans les mesures de lutte contre les oiseaux dans les aéroports

On peut dire que les pionniers de l'aviation se sont inspirés du vol gracieux des oiseaux pour développer les premiers prototypes des avions modernes. Par exemple, les longues ailes des planeurs et des avions d'aujourd'hui rappellent celles des aigles et des albatros qui les portent sur de longues distances avec un minimum d'effort. Bien que nous puissions attribuer l'essor de notre industrie aux oiseaux, nos amis à plumes peuvent en fait constituer une nuisance pour la sécurité des opérations sur les pistes d'atterrissage.

Airport Lighting Company annonce le recrutement d'un nouveau cadre chargé de superviser les initiatives en matière de ressources humaines

MANLIUS, NY, États-Unis, 11 octobre 2024 - Jeff Ellerton, vice-président de Airport Lighting Company (ALC), a annoncé l'embauche de Risa Ennis en tant que directrice des ressources humaines afin de favoriser une culture positive sur le lieu de travail, d'améliorer l'engagement des employés, de promouvoir la conformité aux réglementations et d'identifier et d'atténuer les risques.

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